
2012 - 750 hour certification in Massage Therapy at Everest Institute in Grand Rapids, MI

2013 - ABMP Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals

2015 - Reiki Master from the Usui System of Natural Healing

2014 - Shiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy

2019 - Lomi Lomi Bliss - Loving Hands Massage

2021 - Associates of Occupational Studies Degree in Holistic Health Care with a concentration in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology at The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in Tempe, Arizona. Including Aromatherapy, chakra balancing, and reflexology.

2021 - Holistic Nutrition Specialist Certification (SWIHA)

2021 - Life Coaching Certification (SWIHA)

2023 - Polarity Therapy APP (Associate in Polarity Principles) and the advanced RPP (Registered in Polarity Principles). (SWIHA and LEI- Life Energy Institute)

2023 - Craniosacral Unwinding Therapy (SWIHA)

I now am a teacher at The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts offering education in Polarity Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy.

My Journey to Healing

From a young age I have struggled with the confines of my physical body. I grew up with a lot of stomach distress, headaches, pain, and many sensitivities to foods. I understand the feeling of being trapped in your own body, unable to move or function for the fear of pain. As a teenager, I traveled the traditional road of western medicine, and started taking an over abundance of medications. I fell into the slippery slope of having just my symptoms treated, rather than looking at an integrated view of how to heal my whole self. With my frustration and anger as my fuel, I started diving into holistic health and researching integrative healing methods which supported the mind-body connection. This is when my life began to change and I embraced a healthier lifestyle. As a result, I became more connected, and gained a deeper relationship with myself. I learned that the body has many faceted levels of healing, and that everything is connected mind, body, and spirit. Holistic healing, nutrition, and empowering my own body's healing capabilities became a huge part of this transformation, and my passion to learn even more continued to grow. I discovered that the human body has an amazing abundance of resilient power, and it amazes me to this day what our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies are capable of if we put our intentions into fruition.

I am dedicated to seeing each individual as their whole and complete self, putting a lot of importance in the mind-body connection. Recognizing everyone's personal gifts and attributes, I am dedicated to inspire and support individuals into a place of self ownership. Transformation will happen from the inside out through nutritional education, coaching, holistic medicine, and bodywork, allowing the body to heal itself and gaining a deeper connection and appreciation toward your mind, body, and spirit.

In my free time, I love hiking and being in nature, going for long runs outside or working out at the gym. Being an avid runner, I love working with other athletes. I know the aches and pains that a runner or athlete can feel. I am very skilled at intuitively finding where your body needs extra attention and support.

I also enjoy cooking and baking and am passionate about nutrition and the food that we put in our bodies. Since I was young, I have always had a talent in the fine arts and I love drawing and painting when I can. You can check out my other website here to take a look at my artwork! You will find I am a big animal lover, and am passionate about connecting with them, as well as other individuals.