Energy Medicine

Understanding the power of energy rooted from your mind, body, and spirit.

What is Polarity Therapy?

Polarity therapy is an energy based treatment that helps balance the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. It is a combination of talk therapy, bodywork, and energy healing. It is a clothed modality and it uses touch and body work, or sometimes no touch at all, depending on the client's needs. Communication is encouraged between the client and therapist to help get to the root of the problem of the presenting issue.

The body stores our experiences, emotions, and traumas in our tissues. Polarity therapy helps support the cellular structure of these tissues to change by addressing the stuck energy in your body that never got a chance to fully be expressed. These issues can show up in ways such as emotional problems, cognitive dysfunction, as well as chronic pain and physical issues such as headaches, neck pain, digestive distress, and so on.

Polarity therapy restores your power in your life and honors your own innate intelligence to heal yourself. You are in full control of the session and it can be as much or as little as you want. Energy is the basis for everything and once you move the energy of dysfunction, then everything else changes in your physical body. It is a place where science and energy meet to create magic in your life. Polarity therapy allows your mind, body, and spirit to work together to enable you to become your own authentic self.

Sessions are specifically tailored to each individual, directing focus to the root cause of the problem. We will engage in a therapeutic discussion to present the issues that are of your concern. This dialogue can be short or long, and I will be asking specific questions to help you come to awareness of the deeper cause of this issue.

We will then take this information and move energy into your physical tissues on a massage table. Polarity therapy will help to restructure the actual cells of your body: Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Physically. The treatment may offer hands on touch, holding, shaking, massaging, as well as off body holding in your energy field. Dialogue will be encouraged throughout the session to fully move into a place of healing.

We will work together to achieve your desired intention. Some common effects from after a session is a lightness, a sense of clarity, and feeling more powerful or motivated in your own being.