

Integrative Massage

Each individual massage session is tailored just for you. Attention will be given to your physical body, as well as in relation to your mental, emotional, and spiritual state. Each session integrates any type of modality that is best suited for your needs. This may include therapeutic massage, medical massage, deep tissue massage, Swedish massage, relaxation massage, sports massage, reflexology, trigger point therapy, acupressure, lymphatic massage, prenatal massage, and abdominal massage. Polarity and craniosacral therapy may also be incorporated depending on your needs and focus for the session. A direct line of communication before each session will be thoroughly resourced to offer you what you need to come back home to yourself.

Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is a hands on energy therapy that supports the connection of mind, body, and spirit. It focuses on releasing the imbalances or blockages in the body that may cause things like chronic pain, mental dysfunction, a sense of disconnect, digestive issues, inner child problems, anxiety, nervous system regulation, or emotional challenges, just to name a few.

This alternative holistic therapy honors your entire system and empowers you to finding your own natural innate capability to heal yourself. You will be engaged in the session to support your own healing through the use of conversation, hands on bodywork, toning, nutrition and exercise guidance, as well as intuitive connection from Spirit and your Guides.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral is a type of therapy that focuses on the sacred connection between the sacrum and the cranium. This system houses the cerebrospinal fluid that pumps through the spine and is said to be the “life force” of our system. This gentle alternative therapy can help relieve pain and tension by using subtle manipulations on the entire skull, as well as other various parts of the body. Some examples of treatment that can be offered are things like mental fatigue, brain injuries, feeling lost, disorientation, neck pain, headaches, imbalances, and support to the nervous system.